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Brockington and Associates has extensive experience in drafting and negotiating agreements during the permit planning process. Whether we are involved in a nationally prominent pipeline project, or small wetlands mitigation bank permits, we are proud of the results we have obtained for our clients. We have been able to achieve consensus between senior federal and state officials, tribal leaders, and preservation representatives. In doing so, we build good working relationships for all parties involved.

Federal Permits

Federal permits typically require archaeological and historic study to meet the requirements of the Section 106. However, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permits are guided by alternate regulations, which can vary from standard regulations such as specific stipulations rather than extensive Memoranda of Agreement guiding the implementation of preservation or mitigation strategy.

Our permit planning expertise allows us to streamline National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) needs with those of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), saving time and money. And, our groundbreaking work in predictive modeling provides quantitative data to help evaluate alternatives for corridors, often without costly field work.

State Permits

All U.S. states have different permitting and licensing regulations in regards to cultural resource management. Our clients rely on Brockington’s knowledgeable and adaptable staff to keep abreast of their regulatory needs. Some states require EIS similar to those required under NEPA. The federal Coastal Zone Management Act is interpreted differently in each state as well. It is crucial to know the types of information requested by state agencies so that the permit applicant can proceed through the process in a timely fashion. State permits are also required for grave relocation, and in most states, these are administered by each county. Each state has its own rules and we are well-versed in working on these delicate operations.

Teaming With Other Specialists

Many of our projects are large and complex. We work closely with large teams of environmental and planning specialists to produce Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) documentation while satisfying the Section 106 needs of State Historic Preservation Officers and other agencies.

Though many NHPA-related federal permits result in a detailed technical report or an Environmental Assessment or EIS under NEPA, management of archaeological and historical properties are not officially concluded until agreement documents have been signed with the State Historic Preservation Officer, the permit applicant, and the permitting agency.

For more information on Permit Planning, please contact Mr. Ralph Bailey at, or Ms. F. Patricia Stallings at