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Brockington and Associates has significant experience in employing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Computer-aided Design (CAD) software to the understanding and evaluation of archaeological and historical resources. We currently use the latest versions of ArcGIS, ArcView, Surfer, Voxler, AutoCAD, and other modeling/visualization software. Additionally, we can integrate all other formats (such as ArcInfo, Imagine, Grass, Microstation) within our GIS systems.

GIS and computer modeling of cultural resources allows us to integrate archaeological and historical information with modern and historical maps, aerial photographs, GPS and Total Station data, and other spatial records. It is frequently used to map artifact densities or prepare viewshed evaluations, and to integrate analysis with research themes for use in reports and publications. Such graphics are of special importance for museum displays and exhibits, particularly through the application of 3D visualization tools.

GIS ACT/ACF project.

ACT/ACF Predictive Model

As part of the Southeast’s “water wars,” we designed studies to assist the US Army Corps of Engineers develop major Environmental Impact Statements for the proposed changes to water management operations in the ACT and ACF basins. Our first task was developing a predictive model to evaluate potential impacts on archaeological sites for different management plans.  More »

GIS and spatial analysis is used to evaluate potential adverse effects to historic properties through visibility, buffer, and cost-distance evaluations. Other kinds of GIS modeling studies allow us to determine where previous structures and activities were located by integrating archaeological and historic evidence. We can also recreate historic landscapes and settings using both photorealistic and immersive 3D modeling software.

More complex GIS modeling projects include our work in recreating and analyzing historic and prehistoric cognitive landscapes, and the development of GIS-based probabilistic models. Brockington has developed numerous predictive models using various intuitive, inductive or deductive strategies for projects across the country. GIS and spatial analysis is at the forefront of land management tools for cultural resources, and Brockington remains committed to developing new methods and new approaches.

Remote Sensing

Non-invasive methods such as GPR, also allow us to efficiently and quickly discover sites, features and burials, and provide the necessary data for computer analysis.

For more information on our GIS and Spatial Analysis, please contact Inna Moore at